So I'm at the mall in some store full of plastic clothes and folks trying to stuff themselves into those clothes, but seemingly only those far too small for them — I don't have a problem with the overweight part, if that's what someone chooses* for themselves, more power to 'em… but if you want to look good (no matter what your weight is), you should try and find clothes that fit. Same goes for super little people in oversized clothes — it doesn't bring out their best. Big or small, the right clothes can help you achieve your aesthetic goals… but you have to realize that a mini-skirt isn't really a functional corset. Anyway, now that I've gotten everyone even angrier at me…

* Although I do think that “be happy the way you are” is a terrible, terrible mistake. If “be happy the way you are” was a valid way of looking at the world, why get tattooed or pierced, to say nothing of why bother exercising, learning, or improving oneself in general? The cool thing about being human is that we don't have to be happy the way we are because we have such incredible capacity for modifying ourselves on so many different levels. People should try and excel in everything they do.
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