Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. I guess all work no sleep caught up to me… I've reached the point where I'm literally passing out during the day and just collapsed. When I woke up it was evening (and then I went to bed early). I've got a lot to do today and over the next week so I hope I survive (but it's better than being bored: I'd rather die with a hammer in my hand than with a sword or a beer).
Right now I'm just deleting mail I don't feel like replying to. Like this reply from the girl who submitted the picture below… some crappy webcam shot with a black dot put on it to look like a labret (which all but the very stupidest of us can instantly ID as fake).

Subject: Re: I gotta lb pic
From: Kayla
Uhh ok to bad that wasent a fack photo asshole.!!!!!
Here's a hint. If you're too stupid to spell “fake”, you're probably are also too stupid to actually create a convincing fake photo. Not that it makes any better, but at least sometimes they have a sense of humor about it, like this girl (I think) who got caught submitting a fake experience:
Ah, no worries.
I was just researching a new tat and wanted to look at more pics for inspiration.
Didn't realise the story would actually be read and approved - there's no fooling you is there?
Oh well, spent all the money I had for it on drugs and drink now.
Maybe next month.
Most people aren't so laid-back about being asked to correct shortcomings in their submissions though.
Subject: Re: my sexy ear! Subject: Re: Our trip to winnipeg! Subject: Re: Plain boredom Subject: Re: The big stretch Subject: Re: The centre of attention- my centre tongue piercing
Subject: Re: Chris's trip to 7/16ths
why i am being turned down, i mean this isnt a fucking english report, people know what hte fuck i mean if my i's arent capitolized. Chill the fuck out, am I being graded or some shit?
screww you people to ill post my story somewhere else!
ahhh your all a bunch narrow minded people!! you did not understand the humour at all im my writting!!! BOOOOO FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
hey fuck you guys....... BIG TIME
oh asked for experiences and this is my experience!!!!!
And I'm all for the capital letters...cuz it's called drama! It adds to the story!
AND have you seen any other experiences that you have on bme? They all say fuck! So give me a break!
I don't care who is uneduacted. Cartalige stretching bleeds. Everyone knows that. Just read your own fucking site.
I've had this EXACT story on bme before, and they didn't have a problem with that. You guys piss me off.
Well, you all have a GREAT day (theres capital letters again, and I don't say fuck THAT much, opps I did capitals again...oh no I should just DIE.)
Well just to let u kno i did use a spell and grammar check and im very loyal 2 this site so i wont bother tryin 2 help nxt time
Anyway, back to the grindstone.
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