TV2004 Wrapup
Had a great time at TV2004 today, super speakers on today's roster. Afterwards Phil and I did a nice long video interview with Stelarc… Both of those articles I should have for you later in the week. In the interim, here are some photos from today (you can wait for the article for details or google their names). Finally, a big thank you to George and Simon from BetterHumans for inviting me.
 Shannon Bell (left), Jose Luis Cordeiro (om shirt), Stelarc (middle), me, and some people I don't know yet.
 Aubrey de Grey speaking on removing toxic aggregates that our cells can't break down.
 Rafal Smigrodski and I.
 Rafal Smigrodski talking on mitochondrial DNA replacement therapy.
 Anders Sandberg and I.
 Aubrey de Grey and I.
 Torsten Nahm talking on aging from the perspective of information theory.
 Ben Hyink speaking about his ideas on non-fatal uploading.
 Nick Bostrom giving the closing talk on “why”. |
 Rudi Hoffman and I. |
 George Dvorsky and I. |
 Allen Randall talking on quantum miracles and immortality. |
I really want to emphasize that when events like this come to your area, you really should consider going. Not only will it open your mind in new ways, but it's an amazing opportunity to get first hand time with world class scientists, philosophers, writers, and artists. Next year it's in Caracas, Venezuela!
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