Anyway, last week the Democrats put on a hell of a convention that threatened to shoot Kerry's popularity to toxic levels (toxic to Republican swing voters that is). To keep Kerry's speech and the other well-scripted charismavomit off TV, the Republicans responded by issuing an urgent terror alert on specific financial instituions in NYC. Extra security was ordered, barricades were put up, and, most importantly, the terror alert was talked about on CNN, not the DNC.
Now, to make it a little more clear that this was simplely political maneuvering than Tom Ridge's “…thanks to the President's war on Terror, the American people are safer…” spiel did, lets put the intel that caused this urgent alert into context. It was gathered in 2000 and early 2001. Long before the 9/11 attacks. It's no more urgent now than it was four years ago. (more).
Ignoring for a second the obvious attempt to psychologically manipulate the American people through fear, don't forget as well that issuing these alerts, mobilizing a ton of police and security, and so on, is expensive, and you (the American tax payer) have to foot the bill. Every time Bush gets afraid that the Democrats have made an advance, he spends millions of your dollars to try and trick you and distract you from it. And people just keep paying the bills, digging their own graves.
Other than that, Michael Moore is an idiot (more). Remember the scene in F911 where he shows a newspaper headline screaming out “Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election” as its front cover? Well, turns out that he doctored the newspaper… That “headline” was in fact only the synopsis for a letter to the editor in a different issue of the newspaper, and not on the front cover. WTF? Bush is such an easy target, that when Moore pulls stunts like this I begin to think he's on the payroll.
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