Apocalypse time

First the good news. Scientists have tentatively detected ammonia on Mars, after also detecting methane a few months ago. Because these are volatile organic compounds which don't last long, they can have two sources: active volcanoes (there aren't any on Mars that we know of), or life. So the case for life on Mars is getting better and better. I hope they believe in Jesus, because if they don't, it's time for the interplanetary crusades! Saddle up, Christian soldiers.

Unfortunately the rest of the news is not so promising. The US torture scandal gets worse, with new videos of American soldiers sodomizing Iraqis while they're screaming their guts out in pain are due to be released (more), and the CIA director is promising fireworks — “something big” and “very, very solid” information. Not that we haven't heard this a few times before, but this time “we have very little doubt about the information we have in terms of its sourcing and authenticity.”

Dead pool for cities anyone? Will it be Boston or will it be New York? Or maybe they'll blow up Los Angeles? Maybe they'll take out Chicago? Perhaps small town America will go up in flames? Well, if that doesn't scare you, the Washington Times is warning Americans to actually expect the second coming of Christ and the apocalypse itself (more). So if you're not scared enough of terrorists to vote for Bush, God himself is going to come down and kick your ass.

But don't worry too much, because there's a lot of money to be made (more), although the Bush Cabal are keeping secret billions of dollars in money handed over to Halliburton and other friends of the government (more). And how is that helping national security? Of course, if you're to believe Cheney's official bio page produced by the government, he never worked for Halliburton in the first place (more). I don't know about you, but given that he's still taking a million dollars a year from them, I'd say that's relevant. To put that into context, Cheney is paid $212,900 annually to serve the American people (his VP salary), and over a million dollars annually from Halliburton (a $20 million severance package that's still being paid out, about $10 million in Halliburton stock that's generating income, plus $150,000 a year in cash from them; more). Where do you think his loyalties lie?

But don't get too distracted by all that — even bigger problems are ahead as the US continues to threaten China with war (more), and China feels increasingly cornered on Taiwan (more). Oh, and crazy old North Korea is continuing to work hard on its nuclear weapons program (more)…

Humans sure are stupid.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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