Another image update posted

I've just posted an image update with I think around 1,600 or so new pictures. Thank you to all the contributors, and to Phish and Lilly for being on the cover. (If that's all you wanted to know, stop reading now).

So earlier today Bush said that the Iraqis will be allowed to have Saddam back for the trial once power has been transferred to them… However, he's saying that the time of this transfer is unknown, citing “security concerns”, namely, that Saddam will escape and come back to power (more, more). What? Isn't the more obvious concern that the Iraqis won't give him a trial at all, and will just execute him? We know Bush doesn't have a problem with executions (more)! So what does Bush know that we don't know? Here are two possibilities:

  1. The Iraqis want Saddam back.
  2. Saddam still has a large power base in Iraq and is not “defeated” yet.

Neither of those is particularly likely unless we've been totally misled as to the experience of the average Iraqi (which is quite possible), but they would explain Bush's statements in a way a little more intriguing than “he's a numbskull.” All that said, I guess the Occam's Razor solution is probably that his handlers have said “it will be a PR nightmare if we send him back to a show trial and a public execution!”

Oh, and Iraq is potentially going to get even messier soon (more), with Iran building up troops along the border, just waiting for the American troops to leave… the Iranians are used to America siding with Iraq, as Ronald Reagan's government financed Saddam Hussein and supplied him with chemical weapons (more), helping make the Iran-Iraq war the longest international war of the 20th century. I know, Reagan was a likeable funny guy, but so is Satan. Don't be fooled by the made-for-TV funeral (more).

PS. In this upcoming election (anywhere in the world), if you want to know who to vote for, follow this one simple rule: Vote for the person who makes closest to the same amount of money as you do. People always protect their own caste first, and politicians are no different. (more, more).

Unless of course the reason that commoners keep electing aristocrats is 2,000+ years of eugenics?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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