The benefits of eating well (and wearing nice jewelry)

This link is c/o Ryan. It's about a principal that banned soft drinks, fried foods, high-fat foods, and sugary deserts from their cafeteria. Parents were angry (?!?), but at the end of the first year of these changes, not only had many students achieved a healthier weight, but according to the article:

  • visits to the school nurse were down 30 percent
  • disciplinary problems dropped 20 percent
  • And test scores improved 10 percent to 15 percent

Also, I should promote some of the new stuff over at BMEshop (who will also have a big stand at ). Ryan has added the new line of Kaos Softwear silicone plugs (these are the first of the new design, which means that so far we've got them from 4ga up to 5/8″ in black — more will come as the factory spits them out), as well as Glasswear Studios pyrex plugs (in 7/16″ to 1″ so far).


Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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