Image update posted

I've just posted an image update with just under 1,500 new pictures. Thanks to all the contributors and also to Alcan for the photo of Wormy (part of the continually expanding MFC empire).

I mentioned this in the whatever forum as well, but I wanted to post “my solution to America's problems” (when I say “America”, I mean all Western nations, but I believe that America defines the modern Western nation). It's simple:

  • Totally eliminate personal income tax.
  • Totally eliminate income tax for small businesses with under 50 employees that are not subsidiaries of a larger corporation in any way.
  • Raise income tax for full-scale corporations.

Of course, tax plans proposed by both Republicans and Democrats (and their equivalents in Canada as well) offer exactly the opposite, shifting the tax burden from corporations down to employees of those corporations. Politicians have claimed that by not asking big companies to pay taxes that they'll hire more people, spend more money, and so on… but again, the opposite has happened every single time.

Individuals on the other hand do spend more when they make more, thus keeping the economy financially fluid and vibrant. In addition, by creating an economic incentive for small businesses to prosper, we eliminate the mass/inertia advantage of the mega-corporation, as well as equalizing their bulk buying power. This brings about an upsurge in family businesses, empowers small towns against invasion from big city superstores, and I believe would even encourage civic responsibility. In addition, because small companies them more profitable, it encourages alliances between small businesses which effectively spreads the wealth… getting us close to a capitalist system that doesn't decay into our current pyramid scheme.

Of course, given that government is currently wholly owned by the corporations, not the people, it's going to take people waking up, educating themselves as to exactly what kind of monster they're voting for, and making sure that everyone they know is similarly informed and goes out and votes (maybe).

PS. It's old news that Bush is a bastard that has leaked national secrets to “the enemy” when it's suited his spite (more, more), but folks, it's going to get a whole lot dirtier now that it turns out that Bush and his Cabal were “accidentally” leaking US secrets to Iran (more, more). It's too bad no big name politician has the balls to shout out “the emperor wears no clothes”… or in this case “execute the treasonous fuck”. What does it take for people to clue in that Bush is not an American and does not work with America's best interests in mind? He is at best a corporate operative that serves the oil and defense sectors, and any other monster willing to bribe him with a few dollars.

As I was writing this entry someone just left the balcony a few floors below us (I don't know if it was accident, suicide, or murder). He is currently in pieces directly outside our window. The police have roped off the dog park, but not before a number of people in this building stumbled over the corpse. Some of them didn't want that terrible sight, but now it's looky-loo land and a crowd has gathered.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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