What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

This just keeps getting more messed up… but I wanted to share this scary, scary quote from Alberto Gonzalez, the White House counsel. Here is what the US government has to say about war:

"In my judgment, this new paradigm [ie. 9/11] renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions."

Did no one ever explain to these dipshits when they were babies that “two wrongs don't make a right”?

And while I'm complaining about stuff, why can't journalists do their research? We have all seen how idiotioc they are when they write about piercings and tattoos, but it's scary when you realize that's universal — they're morons on every subject. For example:

The photographs showing Iraqi prisoners being humiliated at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib have badly damaged the reputation of the world's largest army here amid growing opposition to the occupation.


World's largest army. Let's look that up in the Guinness Book (nationmaster actually), shall we?

India........................ 980,000
North Korea.................. 923,000
South Korea.................. 548,000
Turkey....................... 525,000
Pakistan..................... 520,000
United States................ 490,000

China...................... 2,810,000
Russia..................... 1,520,000
United Staes............... 1,366,000

So by no means does the US have the world's largest Army. Not by a long shot in fact — the numbers above are from 2000, and the US has stayed the same but other countries have massively increased their armies. The US does have an awesome Air Force as well as an incredible Navy that both truly dwarf anything else on the planet, but, it just doesn't have much of an army these days. I'm sorry to say it but there are a growing number of unfriendly nations that can dominate the US in ground combat.

So… am I making a good argument for putting a whole bunch of serious nukes into orbit, capturing Canada and Central America down to Panama, and converting that into a single country flying the good old

Oh yeah, read this

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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