The rules of Survivor

Rule number one, from the CBS website, and as stated on the show:

[You may not] try to conspire to share the prize. The million dollars may be won by one and only one individual. Survivors are prohibited from sharing or making any agreement to share all or any portion of the prize.

To be clear. If you win Survivor, you can not hook up with another player and share the money, even if you didn't overtly plan it. If I was Jenna, Rupert, or any of the losing players, I'd be calling my lawyer… Although part of me thinks that's why CBS has come up with the “surprise second million”.

Amber and Rob are disqualified from winning Survivor for cheating. Since Rob's alliance is what basically threw every player off — at the cost of his own victory — it's not only a clear conspiracy, but it also means every player was wronged (and has a “case”). Rob and Amber had an alliance from the start, they played the game as a team, they controlled the game's alliances far more effectively as a pair, and (with an agreement to marry before the winner was even announced) shared the money. That is not a sole survivor, and it is not what the game is about…

…or is it?

Let me tell you about another game called the Kobayashi Maru…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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