An image update is posted, but not a big one (just over 666 images). Because I'm so far behind (the afternoon of 4/20 is where I'm up to), I'm adding pictures in the order they were sent to me (although clumped by submittor, so if you submitted pictures on 4/18 and 4/30 they'll all be in the update). Thanks to everyone for their patience, and thank you to Volatile for (again?) being the cover model, and Deletia for taking the photo.
Maybe it boils down to the “are they stupid, or are they evil” question? It's so hard to tell most of the time whether people behave poorly because they are ignorant, or because they genuinely are “evildoers” on some level… Anyway, I'll try and post some more images to the site tomorrow (about the same amount probably), and you can expect a very cool new feature, probably on Monday, for IAM that I think will be genuinely useful, especially to people who use forums for organizing events, suspension teams, etc.
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