We met up with ManWoman (need some art?) and his daughter (her opera opened last night in Toronto so he's in town) for lunch in Cabbagetown, which was nice because I haven't seen him since NIX a few years back. A great guy that I always enjoy seeing, and we picked up copies of both Gentle Swastika and Homesick for Eternity.

L-R: Nefarious, Rachel, Me, ManWoman, Serena (ManWoman's daughter)
People usually either really love them, or really hate them, at least in the local tattoo community. Myself, I have a lot of respect for the boundaries they're pushing in this business, and more importantly I appreciate any tattoo artist that develops a real style of their own that is recognizable (in the same way that I really like artists like Lukas Zpira, Ryan Ouellette, or Ron Garza, all of whom have instantly recognizable characters to their work).
We weren't able to stay long, but maybe that was destined to be because on the way home I ran into another very old friend that I haven't seen in perhaps ten years (I don't think listening to him on the radio counts). Anyway, I'm wiped out, seeing everyone was nice but there were so many strangers too and it's really getting increasingly hard for me to deal with listening to stupid people think. Sometimes I wish I couldn't hear all that crap, or at least was better able to filter or control the process.
PS. For those of you who like 60s retro albums, I highly recommend the new All Night Radio CD (it's the new project from the Beachwood Sparks people to put it into context).
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