
My day is going much slower than hoped. The network here has been out for about an hour (no idea why and the provider is claiming it's somehow my fault). I've had surprise guests as well, and now I'm off for dinner shortly. I did get some work done that'll make future updates faster, but writing it has made this one less productive. I did however make this nifty animation:

It's for a yet unwritten encyclopedia entry on the effects of bisection on ejaculation and urination and erection and so on. Other than that, Rachel and I are talking about moving again (not right away, maybe at the end of the year). The property that we moved back to Canada for looks like it's totally fallen through, so here's a photo of one of the new pieces of land we're considering:

Whoever guesses where that is successfully wins nothing but geography street cred.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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