Hypothetical entry

Talk about the most stereotypical battle between good and evil. At this point, a lot has been revealed about Bush and his bloody cabal. Bush was a coward and a draft-dodger, skipping Vietnam because it was a “political war” (what, like the one he just destroyed 12,000 American lives in, to say nothing of the Iraqis?). At least Kerry — who I have few kind words for either — had the sense of honor to stand up against that war, albeit after being decorated as one of its heroes.

The evidence (both shown and censored) suggest that Bush and Cheney are entirely complicit in the events of 9/11, and have used that catastrophe to manipulate the fear-ridden American people ever since. Two fake wars were launched, ones we now know were based on an exclusively false justification. Not only were those wars lies and based on forged intelligence, but the US and UK actively spied on the UN (more) in violation of international law. The purpose of this spying was to void any efforts on the part of other countries to stall the war.

Tax loads have been shifted deeply toward the lower classes, with only the upper percentiles of white America benefitting. America has been put into deep debt that will have to be paid off long after those benefitting from it are dead. America's reputation has been tarnished so deeply that Scotland is running a tourist campaign saying “In Scotland, Americans can visit without fear of being spit on!”

Yeah, so Kerry gets elected. A nice Clinton-style moderate. A pacifist and a war hero. Sounds great, right? It's looking like he's going to win a clear majority. But remember, all the shadowy bastards that run the game, they don't get elected. They're appointed by corporate money, and they've been there for a long time and will be there for a long time still.

I've been thinking a lot about Bush and I have an explanation.

It was a test, and they won.

Bush was put in power as a social experiment. That is, to see first how far the American people could be pushed, and second, to see how far the rest of the world could be pushed. They've reached their limits now on both, and are now going to dial it back, having done the research they need to guide America's course for another 50 years. Most of all, they were very careful to not push it too far, and have America elect a nut like Dennis “let us create an America that will inspire the world once more” Kucinich (more) who'd actually do real change to the structure of the beast.

But don't worry, corporate overlords — no one is on to you.

Business as usual.

Nothing to see here.

Kerry will be elected and the world will forget all about this, and you can do it again later like you have every 15-20 years for the last two centuries. Kucinich won't make it through the primaries, there will be no viable third party, and Americans will simply have to choose who the lesser evil is…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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