First, for those that are interested, Srini over at has dropped his t-shirt prices to $10 for all of February to celebrate his tenth anniversary (he started his site about nine months before BME). If you've been to BBQs I'm sure you've seen me wearing his gear. Anyway click it:

Anyway, I thought I'd post the feedback I'm getting on the Janet Jackson entry, currently dwarfing all other encyclopedia entries in popularity. These are all messages that have been submitted via the comments form:
i find it annoying that all of the news coverage that this gained, none of them mentioned the piercing really. i found out that i was pierced through bme, i had no idea otherwisejust goes to show how much is censored from censored stuff... and how ignorant the media is.
I seriously can not believe the attention this "boob" has gotten. I think we all lose sight of the fact that breast are technically used to nourish infants... not for sexual pleasure. It is just a boob! Why the out cry? Was your child breastfed? Then likely he/she has seen one before. Have you never dove into a pool and OPPS! Your top flipped down? Its a part of life, people have boobs soemtimes they are exposed... laugh it off, get over it, move on. Find something better to talk about in your day then Janet Jacksons boob. Are you as outraged when you see a women breast feeding her child in public? Its silly.
I think it's just another one of those publicity stunts just to regain they're popularity. First it was the Madonna & Britney kiss contravercial then break ups of Bennifer. And also short 72 hours marriage of Britney.
Just what the heck is going now these days.
What's the fuss about?It's America and lots more things happen there,besides,Janet Jackson is Black and in Africa women dance with breast exposure which is normal and seen as sexy...nobody ever complain about them and had been seen by many!!Just watch the Kings or chiefs in Africa beeing entertained by bare breasts!!!!
OK, that last one is pretty weird.
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