Mail and the horrible truth

So I have all these SAVED stickers here, but since the name is changed, they're not really that useful to me for promotion any more. So now they're wrapping materials for shipping… of course, I tend to go a bit overboard.

I'll briefly mention just a few things. Enough time has passed since Saddam's capture to say with some conclusiveness that US deaths are up, and capturing Saddam has increased rather than decreased the violence (more). Since Saddam was replaced by the US, civil rights have been slashed in Iraq, and women fear losing their rights entirely — while Saddam encouraged women to hold positions of power and be well educated, the US-powered religious extremists do not believe women should have these roles (more).

Back in America, the US is quietly expelling dozens of Saudi diplomats because of their pro-al Qaeda stance (more). At the same time, Bush continues to block all investigation into 9/11 (more), prompting more and more US papers to ask the ominous question: What exactly is the White House hiding?

We already know they had pre-knowledge. That's old news.

We already know there were agents who were blocked from investigating the terrorists. That's old news.

We already know the terrorists were given green lights when they shouldn't have been. That's old news.

We already know there were massive intelligence screwups. That's old news.

We already know that almost every country in the world with an active intelligence program warned America about the attacks in advance. That's old news.

We already know that the invasion of Iraq was planned in advance. That's old news.

We already know that the response to 9/11 was staged and on falsified intelligence. That's old news.

We already know that Bush and Cheney and the rest of them had corporate ties to the companies that profitted from 9/11. That's old news.

On and on.

The only thing left to hide is direct involvement. There is nothing else to hide.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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