Do the math

So there's a new tape of the 9/11 attacks in the wild now — al Qaeda just posted an unbroadcast video of the attacks to their website (more). Now, the tape is not totally unknown — it was FBI property, given to them after the attacks by the bystander that filmed it. This means there are four possibilities:

  1. The bystander gave one copy to the FBI, and another copy to al Qaeda, thereby revealing the identity of an al Qaeda operative in NYC (which I highly doubt would happen since it makes no sense at all).
  2. Someone inside the FBI is working for al Qaeda and gave them the tape, without the consent of the FBI.
  3. The FBI officially gave the tape to al Qaeda.
  4. The FBI runs the al Qaeda website and posted this material themselves.

Either way, one has to worry a little when top secret internal FBI documents show up on a terrorist website. There's not really a good explanation for it!

I'm sure most people will not pay much attention to this story, but to me it's really one of those “do the math” moments… Not that most really damn obvious things are noticed. To name one giant and obvious problem, I'd love to know how America (or any Western power, really) thinks it can impose democracy on another culture when it oppresses 85% or more of its own population and denies them a political voice.

Let me explain in simple terms.

A woman has never been President, and “everyone knows” that American “isn't ready” to have a woman President. Women make up just over 50% of the population, and are said to control something like 75% of all financial transactions in the US… But, simply because of their gender, they are denied the ability to rise to the top politically. So — boom — you've just denied over half the population a true democratic political voice.

If you want to see where it really gets messed up though, ask yourself how many poor or working class Presidents America has had. To be President, you have to come from the wealthiest 10% to 20% of the population — and then on top of that you have to be white.

So why does a nation that denies full political power to anyone that's not white, wealthy, and male, think that it can unveil democracy on others? Anyway, it just seems like one of those really obvious things… of course, people don't really like taking an objective look at themselves. We spend our lives agreeing to collectively ignore these enormous problems that haven't been figured out yet.

Well, I have an enormous problem that I have to get to — a truly insane and staggering backlog of work. I begin chiseling away at that now.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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