Heh… More on the below…

I thought the following entry theft by Rafti was pretty funny… The one on the left is written by me, the one on the right is stolen by him:

Xylocaine (lidocaine) is one of the common kinds of anesthetic. In it's most popular form, it is a liquid injectable anesthetic, usually in a 2% or 1% strength solution. It is often combined with epinephrine.

It should be noted that xylocaine is, in most countries, by prescription only and may only be administered legally by doctors. Clients should be wary of any piercing studio that offers it in these countries.

Xylocaine Also known as Lidocaine; is one of the common kinds of anesthetic. In its most popular form, it is a liquid injectable anesthetic, usually in a 2% or 1% strength solution. It is often combined with epinephrine.

Lidocaine toxicity can occur when a very large amount of Lidocaine is injected. A common procedure requiring vast amounts of Lidocaine is Super-Wet Technique Liposuction. It should be noted that Xylocaine is, in most countries, by prescription only and may only be administered legally by doctors.

What's funny about this particular entry is what he didn't steal from me, he stole from rhinoplasty4you.com. Note the two sentences starting Rafti's second paragrah. Now note this text from the plastic surgery site:

"Lidocaine toxicity is something that can occur with way too many injections of Lidocaine. A common procedure requiring vast amounts of Lidocaine is Tumescent and Super-Wet Technique Liposuction."

Sound familiar? It really gets me wondering whether Rafti wrote any of the text in this ebook.

I just can't figure out if Rafti's just got the biggest balls in the world and thinks he can get away with wholesale theft of other people's work, or if he's so self-deluded that he genuinely believes he wrote it… Sadly, I really do think it's the latter. The funny thing is that now he's threatening me for making false allegations about him.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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