
I've always been interested in X-planes (not UFOs; experimental aircraft)… The days of the really far out mass experimenting in planes are over, at least for now, but there's still some neat stuff going on such as new kinds of pulse jet research and even far out stuff like HAARP.

Anyway, since reading about that a few years ago, I've paid more attention to contrails and chemtrails, the “cloud trail” left by airplanes. These ones here aren't anything special, it was just really unusual (and pretty) to see so many of them crossing out here while still being clear. Within seconds of taking this photo the winds had eliminated them.

If you want to watch some scary news, follow this lawsuit (more details here). To put it simple, a significant and growing amount of elections in the US are probably rigged, and have been for some time. This is yet another nail in the coffin of truth that the US is unfortunately no longer a democracy… I understand that a lot of people have known that for a long time, but I hope that finally getting it out in public will help end that plague.

In equally unpleasant news, an alarming number of people are coming back from Iraq with brain damage, and Bush is instituting a gag order on more and more military-related reporting… Good-bye free press I suppose.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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