Gratuitous title goes here

I've got a whack of work to do this morning… First I have to write an expansion on the accounting backend for an e-commerce product. I've also got an interview to do later and then piles of BME work (encyclopedia, articles, etc.) — that part never ends!

I watched CNN absent-mindedly for about an hour today. They were talking about some Thai festival, and typical “far away land” type footage began to play. I always love it when “production notes” slip through into publication (stuff like “insert picture here” notes, etc.)… this one struck me as quite funny:

“Gratuitous elephant video”???… Although it doesn't beat the time a major ISP (or was it a bank?) used a photo of an Asian man on their cover page — only to discover that their racist webdesigner had called the file chink.jpg not realizing that someone was going to notice by looking at their browser's status bar as the page loaded (because the designer often works on a zero-latency local connection, they don't see this).

Bug notification: There appears to be a problem somewhere in the gallery editing tool. I don't know who is having the problem, but if you are trying to use that tool and it's crashing on you, please let me know the details.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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