Just a little preview

I'm building a super-limited, super-small version of IAM for older wireless devices (Rachel uses an Audiovox Thera — that thing's got really good rendering already); I'm using some Samsug WWW-capable phone. When I got it they swore it wouldn't have coverage yet, but it turns out I have full high-speed right here right now… so Bell has built the 1X towers, but not told its stores I guess.

Now I've got to whip together an experience update, but it shouldn't be hard to build this functionality so I'll fiddle with it over the next week or two in my spare time. What? I have spare time? Hmm… Well, I'll find the time I guess.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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