No rest for the wicked

I've posted a second update for today; this time an experience update. Not quite as giant though, but still more than enough to keep you busy (I'm guessing people are wrapped up in back to school issues). Thank you as always to the review team and the authors.

I've also added a new column — it's not really a column so much as a short letter, an open letter to employers letting them know why they should hire the modified. You can click here to see it if you'd like.

To whom it may concern,

There's been a lot of attention paid lately to people with piercings and tattoos. You may even be getting pressure not to hire (or even to fire) these people from a small percentage of your customers or even higher management, or to enact dress codes that ban these artforms. Both as an expert in these fields and as a successful business owner, I'd like to briefly tell you why this may not be a good decision purely from an objective business point of view.

Employees generate income for a business both by the work that they do, and by the interaction they have with your customers — and yes, this does of course include their appearance. In order to achieve this, it boils down to having employees that feel good about working for you, and make others feel good about doing business with you.


Well, now I'm off to start working on tomorrow's update as well as Friday's. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not… There's a lot of good stuff in the queue though.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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