Cry me a river

To all the people who are messaging me and having whine-o-rama parties about a member of the “black eye” club that was removed, you really ought to clue in to what's going on. First, this bs crap that's being spread like “oh, he was only removed because friends of Shannon didn't like he uses 'gay' as an insult”. First of all, it's not a secret that gay bashing isn't cool here. Second, it's irrelevant who files the complaints. Third, that's something that would get a warning, not a removal, unless they refused to stop — which incidentally they did, but that was not the final reason.

The person in question was removed because they have a history of causing problems, including hacking their ex-girlfriend's account in order to spy on and harass them — yeah, maybe you're OK with that because this all is a popularity contest, but I'm not going to support what amounts to online rape. This was followed up by continually getting in fights, promising to stop, and reneging on those promises.

So, if you have concerns about the way something was handled feel free to contact me privately, but spamming people you don't even know to try and get them to write me and complain is just going to guarantee that your stalker buddy doesn't come back, and spamming isn't something that's going to be tolerated either. So grow up; get a life. If you don't think you can act like an adult, go get a livejournal site instead where you can live up the drama all you like.

This is not the place for this sort of petty garbage.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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