One ring to rule them all

This is worth reading:
Things Iraqis can't do under the occupation.

I really have no idea what's going to happen over the next two years.

Something bad is happening. I've mentioned this periodically, as it's happening more and more, but recently both the US (more) and Russia (more) have test fired their ICBMs. In the case of the US, these missiles could take out a number of targets, since they have so many enemies — most obviously radical Islamic terrorists that are currently in possession of nuclear weapons and delivery systsems (more) — but in the case of Russia they are the right weapon for literally one target: the continental United States. Which makes one have to ask, “Which side will Russia choose? Does Russia believe the US is the losing team at this point?”

Looking at events happening all over the world it's obvious that we're slowly teetering toward all-consuming world war. The US holds the decision making power on all of that though… I think its people feel powerless to stop it, but they could stop it all, or they could guarantee it… I worry doubly because even the Democrat candidates that are potentially going to replace Bush are saying that war funding must be increased (more) — after all, if America pulls out of Iraq, the region is totally destabilized, and America loses the security of that oil supply, forcing it into Africa to obtain it, which stands to become an even deeper quagmire (more) — do you really think American troops are going to be able to handle the psychological stress of combat with a cannibal army? The only solution, as I see it, is to make an incredibly intense push to a new type of consumption in the US coupled with “alternative energy” generation.

And unfortunately I just don't see mainstream America voting in a radical politician (more)… let alone being given the option to do so.

But like I said, it could all go any way… Things are chaotic. Rumsfeld is fighting with the Pentagon (more). Troops in Iraq continue getting their arms and legs blown off, coming home cripples (more). Reservists are being killed daily (more), and more attacks come constantly; things are going to get a lot worse before they get better (more). Ousted military are calling the plan in Iraq inadequate (more), and even the mainstream press is calling the war “lost” (more).

As mentioned yesterday, the big problem is that the US simply doesn't have the manpower for all of this. There are not enough troops — even though to be “successful” (ie. control the mess they've made), America would have to double the number of troops in Iraq, the US may have to in fact reduce the number of forces in Iraq in order to defend against the other threats (more)… There really are two solutions on the table: either the US must withdraw from it's current actions (which are 100 years into “the plan”) and in effect lose, or it must bring back the draft and go gung-ho on becoming the dominant military imperialist nation on this world, and fight one final battle for control of this world… Why do I feel like I'm living out Lord of the Rings or something (more, more)?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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