Not "as seen on TV"

So someone just sent me a bunch of ridiculous “feel good” pictures of soldiers petting kitty cats, doing group prayers, and carrying the broken bodies of children, with the caption, “pictures you won't see on TV”. Now, maybe I shouldn't take it too seriously since this person is a known predatory pedophile and a racist, but still… Ignoring the fact that pro-war crap is pretty much all you'll see in the “fair and balanced” US media, the entire notion of such a message is misleading and revolting.

US soldiers praying to Jesus in Iraq? Yeah, I'm sure Jesus “Thou Shalt Not Kill” Christ is real fucking proud of you… Like the Pope pointed out, support this war and you will burn in hell. It's that simple. What, you think making it a religious war justifies it? You think God will overlook your sins because you prayed first? And judging by the fact that US troops are now starting to die because of the heat (did you know they're being given only two liters of water daily?), maybe they're praying to come home.

Petting a kitty cat? Too bad about killing its owners… Carrying the body of a broken child? You killed the kid's parents; burned them alive with weapons banned as inhumane by all other nations, and permanently crippled the child. Trust me, no “kindness” you give that child will ever make up for it. If you rape someone, giving them flowers won't make them ask for seconds. Crime is crime.

I don't know why certain members of the US population are so desperate to not only support this war, but to try and convince themselves it's all flowers and hugs. War, even in a best case is a horrible, horrible thing. Maybe neccessary at times, but always one of the worst horrors humans can engage in. The Iraqis got screwed. The US troops are getting screwed (did you know that they just got a pay cut?). The American people are getting screwed. The only people not getting shafted on this are the defense and oil sectors… Will it turn out “for the best” in the end? Maybe yes, probably no — but even if yes, the war is still a horror.

So if you think the war was the right thing, fine. But suggesting that it's a good thing, trying to “pretty it up”, is just disgusting and dispicable. War, whether justified or not, is an attrocity exhibition.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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