
Got some nice feedback and kind words from Kurzweil on the article below; although he points out that according to his research sofware will lag slightly behind the hardware so the numbers may be off a little — however, given my own research in learning music systems and so on I don't believe this will be an issue. Once “learning” or self-programming systems are perfected, software will grow explosively, and then automatically expand to the full potential of any hardware given, especially given the enormous range of digital media and culture we can feed it.

Other than that, SKIN DEEP, the UK tattoo magazine, is going to be using part of my Ban it all! commentary regarding the anti-mod “studies” being released by the EU, which now has a variety of pending legislation being proposed because of its lies. In the even more good news department Jim Ward tells me that we should have his first column within a matter of days now, so I'm very anxiously awaying that. In addition, expect a fascinating guest column from Jason on Live Art this upcoming week.

Finally, for those of you into t-shirts, here is Jasonthe29th's latest proposal (you may remember him from such shows as In Case Of Emergency — which is basically sold out now; sorry!). If you like it and want it brought to brint, here's where you should make that known.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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