Daytime, if you can call it that

Last night I was receiving as many as one thousands virus and virus-related emails per hour; enough that it was starting to totally bog down my connection. In order to fight the economic cost of both spam and virus emails, I've added a Bayseian (or whatever it's called) filter to my email scanning, although I'm still properly training it. Other than that I had far too many nightmares and far too little sleep last night and am off shortly to Toronto. It's a very foggy day.

As a history PS, I recommend two articles. First, The Spectre of Operation Ajax, talking about how the US destroyed Iran's first democratic government back in the fifties, after it moved control of its oil supply away from the US. You may also want to check out How America Created A Terrorist Haven, on how the US in Iraq took a country that was not a terrorist threat, and recently turned it (and other countries) into one.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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