
Work on the image update for tomorrow is chugging along nicely. I've got about 1300 images processed so with about another 1500 or so left to go (to guess). I'm going to push to get them all done tomorrow, but I'm going to the gym in the morning too so I'm already dreading a long day… But there's some really wild freaky-fun stuff in the update already. Those of you especially with full access are going to love it.

Anyway, I'm discovering that my photos of BVI really sucked (in relative terms anyway)… Check out these three below by Rob (using his insanely powerful 5-megapixel supercamera), and then go to his page for the superhappypornoparty link with the rest.

They don't even look like photos… more like oil paintings, especially the first one. And the third one (which I assume must be a nighttime open-exposure shot) is pretty wild.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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