New stickers "in stock"

In stock isn't really the right term because they're not actually for sale, and I think that might be implying that? Anyway, I got my latest set in the mail this morning, so a few of you will have envelopes on the way shortly. Here's what I've got:

There's no donation system right now that I entirely trust, so I'm shifting them over to “postcardware”. That is, if you send me a postcard with your return address on it, I'll send you back a bunch of stickers, on one condition:

It must be a “location” postcard; so if I was sending it, it might be a “Beautiful Tweed, Ontario!” postcard or something along those lines… not some “cute kitten” piece of stock photography.

PS. Shannon Larratt, POB 1021, Tweed ON, K0K3J0 Canada.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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