In stock isn't really the right term because they're not actually for sale, and I think that might be implying that? Anyway, I got my latest set in the mail this morning, so a few of you will have envelopes on the way shortly. Here's what I've got:
There's no donation system right now that I entirely trust, so I'm shifting them over to “postcardware”. That is, if you send me a postcard with your return address on it, I'll send you back a bunch of stickers, on one condition:
It must be a “location” postcard; so if I was sending it, it might be a “Beautiful Tweed, Ontario!” postcard or something along those lines… not some “cute kitten” piece of stock photography.
PS. Shannon Larratt, POB 1021, Tweed ON, K0K3J0 Canada.
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