Last day in Antigua

Rachel and I (and a couple from Chicago that we met here) sailed out to the west end of the island today to a shipwreck in about thirty feet of water — the bow and stern were just barely cresting. As we sailed there we passed through immense schools of blue jelly fish… While we were snorkling we weren't in the school any more, but it was really neat to watching the few solitary ones around the wreck swimming (if that's the right word for what they do). I have to admit that Rachel's fear of being stung, and my pathological fear of a Deep Star Six-like monster meant we spent more time on the deck of the Windsplitter, but it was a really nice day.

I think my favorite thing so far though has been visiting the volcano… Honestly, if it wasn't for Rachel saying “there's no way you're making me live on an island predicted not to exist in a few years”, I'd totally love to live under the shadow of the guts of the earth!

My only complaint I think is that it's been really hard to find vegan food down here, which actually kind of surprised me — since Rastafarian culture is vegetarian I'd mistakenly assumed that there'd be an awareness of such issues. I know everyone knows that I initially started eating vegan because of concerns for water usage and other environmental factors, but I think what's kept me vegan is the spiritual factor… As more time passes I become more and more aware of the lifeforce in everything and my place in it, and I just can't bring myself to “consume pain”. I'm sure that probably makes sense to the 150 or so vegans on IAM, but must sound totally kooky to others (I know I wouldn't have taken such a claim seriously in the past).

Anyway, tomorrow around noon we're heading to the airport and will be back on the mainland by evening. I don't know if I'll be able to get “proper” computer access on Sunday, but as soon as I do, expect lots and lots of photos!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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