7-27 has a nice ring to it

One of the things said in and by the Sept 11 commission was that Bush et al delayed the report's release until after the Iraq war for fear it would void it, since it revealed that the Saddam – al Qaeda link was false (more)… So now we know that both the WMD claims and the al Qaeda claims were false (and that the governments knew this prior to the war), leaving absolutely zero legal justification for the war.

So it looks like the Republicans may just lose this battle; so what's the military complex going to do to make its money? Why, launch a war that even the Democrats can love! Let's invade peacekeep Liberia (more)! Hold up…

Let's step back and take a look at all this:

If troops stay in Iraq – It will be at a minimum monstrously expensive for Americans, and it will last for a long time. In addition, local resentment increases the changes of terrorist attacks in the area and abroad, resulting in even more US taxpayer money spent.

If troops pull out of Iraq – Iraq will turn into such a mess that not only will the entire region be destabilized, but it could become a terrorist hotbed and breeding ground. The chances of major attacks on the US become greatly amplified, resulting in more money spent and more military actions.

So either way, the US population and the people of Iraq lose, and the military and megacorporations win.

If troops are sent to Liberia – Liberia is a mess, and a really horrible one at that. American troops, short of basically taking over the country, are not going to make a positive change. All that'll happen is US taxpayer money will be drained into the pockets of defense contractors, and at the end, the only result will be that Liberians, and perhaps the rest of Africa, will start to feel even more that America is the root of their problems, and then boom, you've got yet another giant group of people interested in launching terrorist strikes on the US.

It just all feels like a lose-lose situation when you're playing the war game — unless you are making money from the corporate aspect… Anyway, I'm going to go write the deathbot now. But don't worry — it only removes people who are already long since dead. More a carrion or scavenger bot that lives off dead bytes. It has no malicious nature at all.

Thanks for all the feedback on the article as well; I very much appreciate the response and will probably get it close to finished later today.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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