Even less exciting…

I've built a flexible engine for doing the logical compares on user sets. For example, the comparison below tells us the financial situation of all men except for those who identify specifically as gay (ie. all users AND men NOT gay):

Much better off -   78 ( 6.73%)       Better off -  311 (26.83%)   About the same -  475 (40.98%)        Worse off -  244 (21.05%)   Much worse off -   39 ( 3.36%)

On the other hand, here's where specifically gay males (ie. all users AND men AND gay) ranked on that:

Much better off -    8 (08.16%)       Better off -   35 (35.71%)   About the same -   35 (35.71%)        Worse off -   17 (17.35%)   Much worse off -    2 (02.04%)

I think I'm probably not doing more on it today, but now that the grunt work is done (I've only shown a bit of it here; you can also do wildcard compares and a pile of other stuff that may or may not be useful), I'll write a nice interface for it so you can start to play with it and exploring it.

I kind of wish I had a control set to compare it to though!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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