I'd mentioned that we rented a dumpster for BMEfest cleanup (and the house too). Anyway, this was the smallest one they had. It's half the size of a railway car. Pretty gigantic. That said, as it turns out we'd have overflowed a smaller one.

Because they like to run away and are far too stupid to find their way home they have to be tied up when they're unattended — and before you say “Oh, Shannon, they're not that stupid… I'm sure they could find their way home…”, let me illustrate their brilliant escape plan.

In the news, there's a strange back and forth going on between the White House and the intelligence community over these various claims made about Iraq that we now know are false (such as the WMDs, nuclear weaponry, al Qaeda ties; more, and so on). Bush has blamed the CIA, then told them he forgives them (more, more), then the CIA is saying that no, they did in fact inform him (more, more) along with many others backing them up (more), and then Bush scales it back to “this is silly, let's just move on!” But basically it looks like Tenet is going to play the patsy to keep Bush and the Cabal from being tried for treason as they should be. (Australia is playing the same game by the way; more)
I thought it was mildly amusing that Comical Ari's last day in office is Bastille Day (more). This story on the other hand, about another Camp X-Ray victim trying to hang himself after being kept in a small wire cage for a year and a half by the Americans, is not so amusing (more). This story about a trained assassin (“The Hunter”) stalking US troops in Iraq, however, smells like a hit movie (now that the Jessica Lynch movie has been cancelled)!
PS. Keep an eye on Rumsfeld. He's dangerous. (more)
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