For America

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed (1), That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government (2), laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

I hope that all Americans read the first quote and really understand what it means. I've highlighted a couple points that I think are of the greatest importance. The first point is that governments exist for one purpose: to protect your rights. That's why they exist. For no other reason. They are there to defend your life, liberty, and your right to pursue happiness, and their right to do so is solely derived from the people of that country.

Is that happening now?

The second point makes it clear that when government betrays those ideals, you have the right to a new government that does not do so. So the big question I think Americans ought to be asking themselves on this fourth of July is whether they are still being governed by their government. I'd like to quote from Noam Chomsky describing the American people:

"I don't like to use the word 'US interests'. That's why I wish some other critics, friends of ours, would stop saying 'we go into this country' or 'we go into that country'... 'We do this', and 'we do that'... No! We don't do the thing! They do it to us! We are part of the victims, not part of the victimizers!"

On the other hand, let's quote George “There ought to be limits to freedom” Bush for a moment. There's a lot of debate as to why he launched all these wars (personally I think he's a puppet); some particularly stupid/gullible people still think it's terrorism and WMDs and so on, others think it's oil, others think it's religion. In any case, the important question is are these wars being fought to protect the “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” of the American people? I think that should be clear (no). Bush was recently quoted in Haaretz:

"God told me to strike at al-Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me, I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

Some people debate that Bush may not have said that, so let me quote directly from Bush's televised address to the soldiers to drum up morale for the Iraq war:

"I also want to thank Chaplain Stone [for] your words of prayer for our men and women in uniform. People across this country are praying. We pray that God will bless and receive each of the fallen, and we thank God that liberty found such brave defenders. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world. It is God's gift to humanity. May God bless America!"

But any fool can see that this is bullshit. It's brain candy for the mindless. America has become a corporate aristocracy and its federal government absolutely does not represent the people who live inside its borders. The question is what will you do? Options galore. You're free people still:

  1. You can roll over, show your belly, and piss on yourself every time the police state knocks on your door. The second option is actually the same as this one, but with a different color packaging.
  2. You can vote for Dean or whatever “bandaid” the Democrats put in place. But it's bullshit. The people making the real choices are beyond the two corporate megaparties (and many of the preparatory events that set this in motion happened under Clinton anyway), and Dean et al have promised to keep increasing Pentagon and domestic intelligence budgets. Nothing changes. You're just eating dog shit flavored ice cream instead of cat shit flavored.
  3. You can push for Kucinich or one of the other “long shot” parties and make a statement but little to no change. They'll assassinate him before he gets into power — no politician promising to dismantle the system will be tolerated by the system.
  4. You can rename the 4th of July “Kill a liar politician day”, toss your guns in the back of a pickup truck and join the revolution.

If you need help deciding what the right option is for you, let me strongly urge you to go to the effort of listening to the full firefighter tapes from 9/11. The government has worked to keep this suppressed, and for good reason. It contains recordings of the firemen on the floors directly struck by the planes describing minimal damage and fires that were absolutely controllable (here's a short version).

Steel melts at something like 2800 degrees. Ignoring the fact that a steel building has never collapsed due to fire, and ignoring the fact that there is no known phenomena that could raise the fuel to that temperature, do you really think that firefighters could work in that level of heat? I'm sorry, but the American people need to address this — it must hurt like hell to face it, but the more information that comes out, the more clear it becomes that this was a US government operation start to finish with a bunch of terrorists playing the patsies.

Want to know more? Or more? Still more?

Why is the government still blocking access by the public to information regarding the OKC bombing, 9/11, Iraq, and so on? Why have they all blocked access to their financial involvement? And let me ask you — will you call for their execution when the evidence is undeniable? How much do you need, and will you let them hold it from you?

Will you stand by as the US invades Liberia, Iran, and who knows who else… All at the expense of the US citizens and the people of the world — while all the time making the “government” officials and their corporate overlords monstrously wealthy. Will you keep paying them a fortune to rape the world solely for their pleasure?

Today is the fourth of July — where do you want America to go and what will you do to make sure it does? It's your country, not your government's, isn't it? Just remember, America could be an amazing place, full of freedom, liberty, and happiness… All it has to do is throw off the shackles being forced on it by its alien overlords.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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