Off with their heads!

I haven't mentioned news in a little while so I wanted to very briefly touch on two subjects. First, Republican forces are continuing to fight public access to both the 9-11 investigation and the investigation into the WMD lies that kick-started the un-provoked attacks (more, more) on Iraq. Is it not worrying to anyone that — right or wrong — thousands of people can be murdered by the government (a government “of the people” no less) at great expense and they are able to hide all record of their crimes and escape any questioning? (more, more)

Along those lines I highly recommend Robert Higgs' latest, Suppose You Want To Have a Permanent War (more) as very relevant reading… But anyway, the other point I wanted to bring up was that the “Continuity of Government Commission” just unanimously voted to add a new ammendment to the Constitution allowing them to appoint members of the US House of Representatives in times of crisis. That is, a suspension of democracy. (more, more)

Americans have seen their rights slashed to “protect them from terrorism” while at the same time watching their economy go down the hole while watching their politicians get richer and richer… Now with the threat of eliminating democracy and replacing it with a dictatorship in order to “protect them from terrorism”, I really have to wonder when good people just start snapping and organizing grass-roots assassination campaigns a la the French Revolution?

So ask yourself, will Bush kill himself in 2012? (WWHD, more)

In more world-friendly notes I've rebuilt my world city database (all 160 meg of it) to properly support multiple cities of the same name in one country. I still have to build the front-end for it, but it means now that Brazil won't be such a mess. I had to fight with it for a while — it wanted to put most cities in the oceans off southern Africa, but that's fixed now.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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