Newsfeed and more

Sorry for not posting this sooner; I had some unexpected guests this afternoon. I hope they don't mind if I post here a few pictures from their trip — although if you want more of it (with lots of blood) you'll have to wait until the movie comes out.

Those are just the scenery (as if that's not enough), and in the actual movie is all that coupled with our particular brand of insanity. If the stories are any indication of what we're going to find on 30+ hours of DV footage, the movie just keeps getting better.

So… who's coming to South America? If your calendar is open in October and you've got what it takes, there are spots available on our crew potentially.

Now, the newsfeed…

Syndication, both via easy-to-use JS plugin and via XML/RSS feed is up and running (you can thank Critter for bribing me). I hope it's useful to someone; for more information on it, just click here.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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