Well then…

Turns out the reason the price is so good on that island might be that the ownership is up for dispute. The owner has paperwork showing that he purchased them uninhabitted from the descendents of the “theoretical owners” (ie. the natives who lived in the area, who never used or lived on the island, were gifted it by the government) with the approval of the government, but now international environmental and indiginous advocacy groups are claiming that the sale was not legal or valid.

Clearly if the ownership is dubious I'm going to keep my difference; but I wonder — what's better for the natives in the area: getting a hundred grand for the island and bringing high-tech industry into the zone in the form of someone who cares about both the environment and native rights, or having to pay back whatever they got for the island, and being left with an island that's of absolutely zero use to them, and eventually getting screwed over anyway?

I've got some research to do…

Other than that, I'm adding a couple requested IAM features now… More on that later.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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