BME Island

I got some more information back from the owner regarding the island property. The leasehold is in perpetuity and from the government, so that part should not be an issue. The one side of the island is surrounded by coral reef, and the beach is shallow for the first little while and then drops off to twenty or thirty feet, so mooring big boats is not a problem.

The water temperature hovers around seventy degrees all year round, and dolphins swim off the shore. Not only that, but under Nicarauguan law, we can change the name of the island legally, and with the island comes automatic residency. So now to find an investor to split it with me…. Anyone interested? You'd need to be able to invest in the range of $50,000.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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