First, a couple of pierced pet pix. Let me emphasise that this is a natural hole (not made by the owner!), and that the ring was just put in for the photo so she wouldn't try and rip it out:

From yesterday's LA Times (more):
On Sunday, the Washington Post wrote the obituary for the United States' effort to find Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction. "Frustrated, U.S. Arms Team to Leave Iraq," read the headline, confirming what has become an embarrassing truth — that the central rationale for the invasion and occupation of oil-rich Iraq was in fact one of history's great frauds.
Not that anybody — anybody that can stop it that is — cares. Even after this massive deceit, coupled with domestic fraud and civil rights abuses, the Bush regime continues to enjoy massive support in the US, presumably because of its effective propaganda campaign branding any dissenting voices as treasonous. Now let's get back to paying the defense contractors that put Bush into power more money for more “usable” nukes (more)!
Yay for the end of the world!
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