Stupid Microsoft

So I've spent the day messing around with the stupid .NET Visual Studio crap. Maybe I'm spoiled, but this ridiculous bloated piece of junk is really annoying to work with. Not only that, but they've so obfuscated the guts of the languages that if your background is low-level programming you totally lose it. It's as if they're trying to convert programmers into software choreographers or something.

If I wanted to have a better day I should have just rubbed dog biscuits on my crotch and let Leeta bite my balls off. Hell, I'd rather take a bath in lard and then play slippery-slide down the driveway than keep coding in this scam to buy overpowered computers to run poorly designed software.

I'm all about assembly. High level languages suck.

.model tiny

org 100h

   mov al,13h
   int 10h

   mov bh,0a0h
   mov es,bx

   in al,40h

   sbb di,ax
   loop genstar

   xor ax,ax

   xchg al,es:[di]
   inc cx
   jmp scroll

end start

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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