So for whatever reason, idiot neo-Nazis send in their tattoos pretty regularly for posting. Most recently I got these two from a “cooperx211″, a typical cowardly neo-nazi afraid to admit what his tattoos actually mean, who wrote,
From: Cooperx211
Subject: sxe tattodrug free on wrist and misc. sxe

You really expect me to post this moronic junk?
Stick to
I really don't have time to joke with losers like that. Anyway, their reply made it quite clear that my assumption was correct:
what are you talking about casue i have a german flag on my arm doesnt mean im a skinhead you yuppie
See, it was possible that my white power assumption had been incorrect, but there was definitely no way that he wasn't a skinhead given the tattoos on his legs. So I was 99% sure he was lying. Anyway, I think Franko ought to mess with this idiot a little, don't you?
At 5/7/2003 12:41 PM -0400, you wrote:
>what are you talking about casue i have a german
>flag on my arm doesnt mean im a skinhead you guppieWhy are you calling me a guppie? What is that, some kind of fish? Why would you say that?
Allah is Great. Sincerely,
Franko el Derbi
Changing text around in replies is something you can never go wrong with, especially with the extremely stupid, since they never figure it out, as you can tell by his reply:
its what we peolpe in the tatto bizz call people when they dont what there talking about.
Um, ok. So I guess he's a tattoo artist that can't spell “tattoo” and goes around calling people guppies. How cute. Let's see if we can continue to screw with him. I figure if he catches on I'll see if I can convince him his ISP is editing his messages.
At 5/7/2003 09:53 PM -0400, you wrote:
>its what we peolpe in the tatto wizz call people
>when they dont what there talking about.I'm not understanding what you're saying. When you write "tatto wizz" do you mean "tattoo wizard's guild", or something related to urine? And why are you telling me that you don't know what you're talking about?
I'm sorry, but if you're not going to make sense we can't really continue this conversation. Please consider that if you're not comfortable corresponding in English that there are many excellent "English as a second language" courses available.
Allah is the greatest. Sincerely,
Franko el Derbi
His final reply made it 100% clear that my initial assumption was correct. It was quite simply put, and I'm sure it made him feel clever in a secret handshake sort of way.
For those that are unaware, 'H' is the eighth letter of the alphabet; thus 88 stands for HH or “Heil Hitler”. Franko gave him one last reply, and I'm guessing that'll be the end of it. But if not, I'll gladly keep tormenting him. Dumb supremacists are the funniest.
>88Ah, Hitler. Final recourse of the weak and stupid.
Allah is the coolest. Sincerely,
Franko el Derbi
And I'm off.
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