Baby killers? Not if they survive!

Well, according to British intelligence, Saddam isn't dead after all. Lots of other people are in that residential neighborhood they bombed, but not Saddam (more). Let's take a hard look and ask ourselves if this “good try” was worth it. Look hard. Feel free to save this picture and email it to everyone you know along with the quotes, along with your representative in Congress (more):

"Can you help get my arms back? Do you think the doctors can get me another pair of hands? If I don't get a pair of hands I will commit suicide..."

"It was midnight when the missile fell on us. My father, my mother and my brother died. My mother was five months pregnant. Our house was just a poor shack. Why did they want to bomb us?"

- Ali Ismaeel Abbas, 12

"Before the war I did not regard America as my enemy. Now I do. War should be against the military. America is killing civilians."

- Dr Sadek al-Mukhtar

Not cool America.

Thanks to US “liberation”, plenty of Iraqis are horrifically mutilated (more) and militia groups are now terrorizing small towns, looting, stealing, and raping (more) as any semblance of order Saddam had imposed is eroded. The CIA and the Pentagon bicker about who to put in charge of their war spoils (more) as the entire Arab world seethes in fury as it readies to unleash its anger on the people of America (more), the people that, willingly or not paid for all this horror to occur.

Back at home, the few Americans who have the bravery and foresight to stand up to the evil1 Bush regime are brutalized by the US police state (more) — three Roman Catholic nuns who trespassed on a missile silo last year now face five to eight years in prison for their act of defiance against the military monsters that run their nation (more). Did you know that America now has over two million people in prison (more)? Did you know that living in America you are more likely to be imprisoned by the state, executed by the state, and beaten by state-sponsored para-militaries than in Iraq?

Think about it. Think about it when you pay your taxes in a few days. Think about where that money is going.

1 Look at that picture above and then try and tell me that “evil” isn't the right word to be using.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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