
OK, I've got the new box up and running. I haven't transferred over anything except Eudora so far, but I've got it downloading the thousands of emails from the last day or however long it's been… I've got a pair of 120 gig drives that aren't doing much so as soon as that download is done I'll install those as a mirrored pair so there's an additional layer of safety for my sourcecode and BME content.

That's the dead machine.

Copying files to the new machine using a USB drive (case scrapped).

Oohh… How pretty? Ha.

What a nice clean desk this has resulted in.

PS. One of my many theories is that if you cover all your expensive stuff with stickers, thieves are less likely to bother. So every piece of electronics I have here is just covered in stuff…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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