
My email lately has been flooded with stuff like this:

From: The Last Judgement
Subject: Signs from God

The Messiah comes. We have the end of the World and already 3th World war. The Mankind faces the Doom and as well the biggest ever experienced Holocaust. Each second Humanbeing ends up in the Pond of Fire. If the Messiah is not coming now (Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of the Jews), God will come as Devil-and Germany brought the entire Mankind into Hell. Owing to the Brandenburger Nazigate in Berlin every Human will be punished as hard as Adolf Hitler. That means Hell forever:Final Solution (Endloesung) .... [blah blah blah]

I don't know… At least they're not trying to sell me anything. Is this better than being offered some “virgin sluts” or a chance at an “enormous tubesteak”, or even some “generic viagra”? Anyway, with the level of fog we have here I'm guessing there's a good chance this satellite is going to cut out soon.

ANYWAY. I got the following question for an interview that I'm doing with someone that I can't remember the details of. Someone in Seattle I think…

Hi Shannon -- here's one final question for you. Is there any point at which you would draw the line in body modification? To clarify, is there a line you wouldn't cross and don't feel others should either? A point at which you would say "Okay, that's not modification. That's mutilation." Whatever your answer (yes or no) please explain.

I was going to turn it into a larger article, and I'd love to get some feedback from other people. I've created a comment forum below, and if anyone wants to include their take on the question, please feel free. I may use some of the posts as quotes in the article and pass them on to this reporter… If you don't want me to for some reason, please make that clear in your post.

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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