Good night.

What do you need to be happy? If you can answer that question, you will be happy… (PS. If you know your answer, I'd love to hear it — what do you need for joy?)… I tried to make my own list:

  1. Personal autonomy (that is, deciding what I do and when I do it)
  2. Good food (yummy)
  3. Good sex (hell yeah)
  4. The ability to communicate with my friends

And that's really all I want. Guess what? It's pretty easy to get. Being happy isn't hard at all… That's the big scam in life. They try and sell you all kinds of crap to be happy, and it's not until you've wasted millions of dollars (and I really have wasted millions of dollars on everything from drugs to toys to weapons to education to girls to property to military ventures) that you realize happy is how you started.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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