War is a very bad idea

The US has said that it will be attacking Syria, Iran, and North Korea when it's done with Iraq, and implied attacks on at least three other nations. They have also said that they're attacking Iraq later today, even though Iraq has seemingly jumped through hoops trying to meet the UN resolution — and even if that's not true, you can bet it's what those other nations think… So… If the attacks do happen today, North Korea et al know they're getting bombed.

The US has most of its mobile forces in the Gulf right now. Not only that, but the 3,000 bombs dropped in the first 48 hours of the Gulf War TNG will result in a hugely limited arsenal. In addition, the US economy is strained to its limits and its currency is plummeting internationally (thus reducing its buying/bribing power). So at that point, North Korea's strategy should seem clear.

If North Korea were to launch a nuclear, chemical, and biological attack on America at that time (which it has threatened to do), coupled with attacks by Syria, Iran, and other nations, as well as terrorist attacks across the heartland, America would crumble, even if it eventually destroyed those foes (which it probably would)… The question is, what would Europe do? China? Russia?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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