As always, this entry will make people angry at me, even though I didn't actually do any of the things in the entry. Shoot the messenger, he might be a Marxist or if not, one of those red white and red undemocratic Canuk beaver-lovers! Yeah, that's right. Make fun of the guy that loves beavers.
I want to remind everyone of the last time America orchestrated “regime change” in Iraq. Do any older readers remember? Oh yeah, that was back in the 60's when the CIA overthrew Abdel Karim Kassem and replaced him with… yeah, you guessed it… Saddam Hussein.
I don't even know why I bothered mentioning that. The people who already understand that regime change doesn't work simply will say “yup”, and the rest will blindly say “I knew it! It's the Democrats' fault!” (That pinko JFK was in power at the time…)
These colours don't run: come on America! Do you not realize what dumb stunts like this make the rest of the world think? It's just silliness. Right up there with “freedom fries“.

Well, Bush is off on a campout with his few remaining buddies this weekend, but don't worry. Before leaving he was sure to let everyone know that although he is “praying for peace“, the military is on “hair-trigger alert” and there's “little hope” that the US will avoid “bloodbath“.
The US has announced that they expect to occupy Iraq for 20-25 years (goddamn are taxes going to go through the roof in the US!) although many experts predict brutal civil war, plus a promised “100 year war” between the Kurds and Turkey.
As you know, the US initiated this war by using forged documents claiming that Iraq had nukes or was trying to aquire them… There have been calls for an investigation into the matter but I think we all know — cough! anthrax!!? cough! — that's not going to go anywhere. Afterall, lying is the American Way, as far as traitors like Bush are concerned. Don't care because this will bring democracy to the Iraqi people? Think again — even the US state department denies that outlandish claim.
Of course, all of this ignores the fact that war with Iraq is illegal under international law without specific approval of the UN (it's safer to attack an unarmed foe first; after all, they might get weapons in the future). Which means that the US is about not only to betray its own people (who have said no war without UN backing), but will also make itself a rogue nation. The US is moving itself into a position of such isolation that it won't be long — if it continues on this path — that it will find itself first in economic war, and then in physical war, with the rest of the world.
And as big as the US is, it's not that big, and it will lose.
And here's the real punch line: if that happens, and the US is destroyed, Bush et al still get to walk away outrageously wealthy and safe. They're protected. You — the American people — are not. So do you want to believe the lies and walk yourself to slaughter? I'm sure it'll make a good movie, right? Maybe a video game?
Someone please explain the following to me. After 9/11, 3% of people believed that Iraq had any involvement with the attacks… Now fully 45% believe that not only was Iraq involved, but Saddam Hussein is personally responsible. How is that even possible? Do people not remember last year's propaganda? Not only that, but thanks to the quite possibly faked (at a minimum deceptive) arrest of “al Qaeda leader” Osama bin Laden Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, we're now being told that al Qaeda has been defeated. Well, that was easy!
Put Up or Shut Up, Richard Perle: as you know if you read my page, the New Yorker got threatened by Perle for revealing that he was set to personally profit from war — that is, by encouraging war, he was set to become even wealthier. What kind of man profits from murder? To put it more simply, the US government is under the control of genuine evil, and there's proof.
And that's about all that I can handle writing about today.
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