
This is a totally unflattering picture. I apologize in advance to my vanity for posting it… But maybe it's kind of funny? It's me crashed out at the train station (waiting for our journey back to Tweed) after getting the forehead tattoo.

In January of 1995 (I think) I got my septum pierced at 14ga by a friend who was thinking about learning to pierce. It was literally his first piercing… It went perfectly though. I stretched it quickly, but grew tired of it and by the middle of that summer it was gone.

This morning — eight years after removing it — I popped a 14ga ring back in without any effort at all. So don't let anyone tell you piercings are temporary! If your body likes it, it's there to stay, jewelry or not. Not that a septum piercing looks good on me, hence the lack of photos. Maybe I'll stretch it again though, I do like septum plugs.

Profound Question Time

Is the spiritual universe — the place some people “go” when doing suspensions, meditation, psychedelics, etc., the place where Christians go when they're speaking with Jesus (a la 'that was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world'), the tao, whatever… Anyway, the first question: Is that world…

  1. A delusion brought on by extreme mental/physical states.
  2. A lie — anyone who claims to “see it” is making it up.
  3. The true representation of the true universe.
  4. A secondary universe that sits “behind” the one we experience day-to-day.

That's question one.

Question two is “can that question be answered definitively, or does it come down to a matter of faith?” That's a two part question in that it breaks down to (a) can you answer that definitively for yourself, and (b) can you answer that definitively for others?

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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