
The Internet allows people to redefine their identities as adults, whereas “real life” forces you to be largely who your parents built, as they chose your name and even your interests for the first part of your life. Body modification also allows one to redefine and recreate oneself past what both your parents and fate handed you. Is there a link?

Well, that's where I am right now (Toronto)… I'm totally sick with a fever and all that, and feel pretty miserable. The stresses of traveling, even minor traveling, are really hard on me. In about four hours I get tattooed though, and while it will probably be a pretty miserable experience, I'm still very much looking forward to it.

I watched a bunch of American TV at the hotel today… pretty weird stuff. It was a bunch of right-wing morons con gratulating themselves on how they had pretty much won the war on terror, and that they expected an apology from any lefties that said that the US was spending money the wrong way — they conveniently left out that it was Pakistan that caught Mohammed, not US troops, as well as leaving out that until he was captured, we was considered 22nd on the list.

Anyway, while boasting about the win on the war in terror, they also boasted about how the war on Iraq was a done deal, and they were looking forward to taking out the next cog in the axis of evil, Iran… They said their only regret was that the Democrats had so slashed the US military budget that unless America doubled both its military personnel and its spending, things could get dire.

When you join the military, you sign away a lot of your rights as far as civil right go… I was thinking a while back that if the US put itself in a position where 50% or more of the population is directly or indirectly employed by the military, they don't even have to push through any questionable Patriot Act II type crap… They simply trick you into becoming a slave.

Anyway, VIA rail, the train company that I rode to Toronto is getting an unpleasant letter from me. Whenever I have an anglo attendant, the trip is wonderful. Amazing service. But whenever it's a Francophone (and this is a train that comes from either Hull or Montreal, so that's common), the service, at least for us English speakers is atrocious.

I understand why there's tension between the English and the French in Canada. I understand why whites and blacks want to kill each other in many places, and I understand why most people secretly hate the Jews… But there's no excuse for acting out ones prejudices, especially on the job. Here was my encounter:

Me, to food cart attendant: Where should I go for a drink? Should I be asking you?

Maurice: I'm done serving drinks.

Me: But you haven't even come through our car yet.

Maurice: It doesn't matter because I don't have anything left anyway.

I look down at the cart, which is open. It's at least half full. There are drinks and snacks of every kind.

Me: But I can see them right there!

Maurice opens the cart, makes it very obvious that there's tons left, and then closes it and flips the lock shut.

Maurice: There isn't anything left.

Then that fucker just turned around and walked away. This isn't the first time I've received poor service from VIA, but it's only ever been from the French. I have no good explanation for why, other than simple hatred of Anglos, but that seems a little extreme.

Other than that, I had to yesterday spend about six hours in the presence of and interacting with extremely stupid (ie. normal) people. I'm totally spoiled both by the peers that I see in person and the people I talk to online (although I have to bite my tongue occasionally to keep from freaking out on a couple of obvious people in the Whatever forum who “disrupt with dumbness”); I literally only associate with people who can carry on a conversation on a fairly evolved level.

I'm sure it must reek of elitism, but I simply can't find common ground with these apes. Seriously, it's like trying to debate philosophy with a dog. The only reason I'd even bother is because I like hearing myself talk… I'm sure many of you reading this must have the same problem. We're approaching an evolutionary divide — the Internet has allowed people with real brains to meet others like them, enhancing and encouraging their abilities, widening the greymatter divide.

What happens to the world when we see a fifty-point spread on “IQ” (or whatever we replace that flawed test with); that is, when we find ourselves with two groups of humans — those that “get it” and those that don't? And the bigger question I have personally is what happens when you couple that “mental horsepower” with spiritual awareness? That, I believe, is humanity's next step — a genuine comprehension on a rational level of the spiritual world.

Oh, and I have the full opening sequence for the movie scripted/designed and roughly storyboarded, as well as a couple other new scenes. I'll definitely have to check with some experts to make sure I'm operating in relatively safe territory, but assuming we can figure out a few of the safety issues, you'll be in for something quite amazing!

Anyway, I guess I should try and find some breakfast.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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