Morning of 2003/03/08

I've got to take off for a little while to run errants and complete holy quests (and I say that with some seriousness), so I'll post sporadically at best over the next 48 hours.

Some quick newslinks and quotes before I go…

First, it's been revealed by the IAEA that the documents that the US provided to show that Saddam was seeking “weapons of mass destruction” were fake. That is, the US tried to frame Iraq because it's so desperate for war… So, let's look at two recent “revelations” from US action:

I have to admit though that forcing a country to disarm through force and lies, and then claiming that they haven't disarmed (when all the evidence says otherwise) in order to invade them is one of the most cowardly things I can think of… So basically the US will only attack unarmed enemies? After all, even though North Korea continues its missile tests, the US continues to hand it more nuclear documents!

And what wonderful things do Americans get in exchange for their support of Bush? After all, he offered Turkey $30 billion in bribe for using their bases — he must be offering something to his own people, right? Ah, here it is — a massive $1.82 TRILLION DEFICIT which would plunge the US into a potentially irreversable financial collapse. Oh, and goodbye jobs.

"[Bush] is the worst president ever. He is the worst president in all of American history."
Helen Thomas
Hearst Newspapers*

Here's a good one: 13 Questions We Wish They'd Asked… Although I think we know Bush's answer to all of them… Just write “God”, “Good”, “Evil”, “Iraq”, “Saddam”, “al Qaeda”, “Osama”, “September 11th”, “Liberty”, “Freedom” and a bunch of related slogans on a piece of paper and play connect the dots at random. Don't expect it to make any sense to anyone outside of America though.

"[President Bush] confidently asserts a worldview that most Christian denominations reject outright as heresy: the myth of redemptive violence, which posits a war between good and evil, with God on the side of good and Satan on the side of evil. [This approach] is characterized by a stark refusal to acknowledge accountability, because to suggest accountability is to question American purity, which would undermine the secular theology of 'good vs. evil' inherent in present U.S. policy."
Rev. Fritz Ritsch
Bethesda Presbyterian Church, VA

Want another link on that subject? Bush, the Bible, and Iraq… Is President Bush really just a “hired Christian thug” as Harold Pinter claims? Is he really trying to set about the apocalypse?


* Ms. Thomas is a part of the White House press corps aand has covered every president since John F. Kennedy.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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